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LaSalle College

留學申請|LaSalle College



Lasalle College 被 The Princeton Review評論為#1 Undergraduate Game Design Program in Canada, Top 10 in North America。

遊戲設計與視覺特效相關- Game Design & VFX
遊戲編程理學士 (Bachelor of Science in Game Programming)
動畫與遊戲的3D建模文憑 (3D Modeling for Animation & Games - Diploma)
動畫藝術與設計文憑 (Animation Art & Design - Diploma)
電影及電視視覺特效文憑 (VFX for Film & Television - Diploma)
遊戲藝術與設計文憑 (Game Art & Design - Diploma)
視覺與遊戲編程 (Visual & Game Programming - Diploma)

平面設計相關 - Graphic Design
平面設計設計學士 (Bachelor of Design in Graphic Design)
平面設計文憑 (Graphic Design - Diploma)
平面設計與設計基礎文憑 (Graphic Design & Foundation for Design - Diploma)

設內設計相關 - Interior Design
室內設計應用設計學士 (Bachelor of Applied Design in Interior Design)
社內設計文憑 (Interior Design - Diploma)

音頻與電影相關 - Audio & Film
專業錄音藝術文憑 (Professional Recording Arts - Diploma)
專業錄音藝術文憑-利物浦表演藝術學院轉學課程 (Professional Recording Arts (LIPA) - Diploma)
數位電影與影片文憑 (Digital Film & Video - Diploma)
數位攝影 (Digital Photography - Diploma)

時尚相關 - Fashion
時尚設計文憑 (Fashion Design - Diploma)
時尚市場營銷文憑 (Fashion Marketing - Diploma)
珠寶設計文憑 (Jewellery Design - Diploma)

烹飪相關 - Culinary
烘培與糕點藝術文憑 (Baking & Pastry Arts - Diploma)
烘培與糕點藝術證書 (Baking & Pastry Arts Level 1 - Certificate)
烹飪藝術與餐飲所有權高級文憑 (Culinary Art & Restaurant Ownership - Advanced Diploma)
餐飲創業與所有權文憑 (Entrepreneurship & Restaurant Ownership - Diploma)
烹飪藝術證書 (Culinary Arts Level 1 & 2 - Certificate)
烹飪藝術文憑 (Culinary Arts - Diploma)
飯店與餐廳業務文憑 (Hospitality & Restaurant Business - Diploma)

文憑/證書: IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 75
學士學位: IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 80

Last Updated: 2018/8/29

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